You are looking for a holiday apartment with a special flair in the center of Weimar and at the same time close to nature. You are looking for a comfortable city apartment with garden in a quiet and sophisticated area with space to play, barbecue, sunbathe and cozy hours outside by the fire. You don't just want to see Weimar, you want to experience it. You are looking for a good mixture of relaxation, culture, socializing and nature. You just want that little bit more, instead of just a simple place to stay?
Then our apartment is just right for you!
Spread over 55 sqm you will find a...
You are looking for a holiday apartment with a special flair in the center of Weimar and at the same time close to nature. You are looking for a comfortable city apartment with garden in a quiet and sophisticated area with space to play, barbecue, sunbathe and cozy hours outside by the fire. You don't just want to see Weimar, you want to experience it. You are looking for a good mixture of relaxation, culture, socializing and nature. You just want that little bit more, instead of just a simple place to stay?
Then our apartment is just right for you!
Spread over 55 sqm you will find a light-flooded living/dining room with open kitchen; a bright, spacious bedroom and a comfortable shower room including a sauna.Cancellations up to 30 days before arrival are free of charge. For cancellations up to the 30th day before arrival we charge 25%; up to the 14th day before arrival 50%, up to the 3rd day 80% and after that 100% of the invoice amount in case of no-show. For short term bookings with less than 5 days before check-in date, free cancellation is possible up to 24 hours before check-in. Cancellations due to legal regulations are generally free of charge.
Payment of travel expenses must be made in advance via bank transfer. We will contact you promptly by mail in this regard and send you your invoice together with your travel documents.
On the day of arrival our apartment is available from 15:00. The handover of keys takes place via self-check-in. Check-out is possible until 10:00 am on the day of departure.
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Max-Liebermann-Straße 1
+49 (0) 179 9424649
Ferienwohnung Lieberhier
Frau Katharina Bies
Max-Liebermann-Straße 1
99425 Weimar Thüringen
Telefon +49 (0) 179 9424649
ferienwohnung@bies.orgHinweis zur Online-Streitbeilegung gemäß Art. 14 Abs. 1 ODR-VO: Die Europäische Kommission stellt eine Plattform zur Online-Streitbeilegung (OS) bereit, die Sie unter finden.
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